Date: Sep 2, 2020
Dear Iso Fit Clients,
It has been a tough period for everybody and we hope you are all keeping well!
We much appreciate your patience and support of our online Zoom sessions that we offered throughout the 6 week closure period. We will definitely continue to offer quality online classes for people who prefer a workout at home or office from time to time or who are travelling.
The latest Government announcement is that all fitness centers and Pilates studios may open their doors to clients on the 4th Sep 2020! Great news!!!
We have certainly missed you and look forward to welcoming you back, so we can continue our shared journey towards health and well-being!
Please contact Hon in order to book your sessions or if you have any questions.
As mentioned previously all packages will automatically be extended for 6 weeks-the period of the Government closure.
Here at Iso Fit, we are doing everything within our power to create an even cleaner and safer environment for you to train in. Hygiene practices for our teachers, staff and you, our valued clients, have been bolstered significantly. We have requested that on arrival to Iso Fit, teachers wash their hands and use alcohol gel before they start teaching. We kindly request you to do the same.
Our studio may be opening but we need to continue to be careful. We will be vigilant with protective measures for your health and safety, as we have been advised. Many of these involve the close cooperation of clients. Please assist us in ensuring everyones’ safety.
Iso Fit will:
Take temperature checks at the studio entrance.
Provide sanitizer and soap for clients and staff members for hand cleansing when entering the studio.
Request clients to complete a very short health questionnaire before taking a class or session.
Request teachers to wear a mask at all times.
Request clients to wear a mask at all times
Wipe down of equipment surface before and after use. Part of this effort will include providing disinfectant spray and wipes for our clients to use during their sessions.
Disinfect of all areas and surfaces within Iso Fit on a regular basis.
Create extra space between equipment as well as strategically block off some equipment in order to create distance between clients.
Regularly re-apply Raze anti bacterial agent to the wood and leather surfaces. This is a self-sanitising coating is a breakthrough photocatalyst technology which uses light to break down indoor pollutants, rendering them obsolete.
Operate Air Purifiers in both studios
Keep windows open to increase ventilation.
Continue to stagger group class times in order to minimize contact between classes and the amount of people that gather in reception at the same time - please check the schedule for the updated times.
Limit the number of clients in the studio:
6 maximum in a group class (not including teacher).
6 maximum in the studio room (not including teachers).
2 Maximum in Physio room (not including teachers)
Provide masks and disposable latex gloves for those that want extra protection during sessions.
Provide the option for clients to purchase their own straps to use on the reformer/gyro tower.
Provide strategic barriers/partitions between pieces of equipment
Thank you so much for your cooperation.
So, in keeping with the advice of infectious disease specialists who say that if you are mindful, you can still go to your favorite gym or workout venue safely, we look forward to welcoming you back.
Finally it is our unquestionable goal that every client in every session or class has a great work out and a wonderful experience!!
With best wishes,
Your Iso Fit Team