Policy Update
Date: Jul 24, 2020
As of the 24th of July 2020, the HKSAR Government now requires mandatory mask wearing in indoor public spaces. To comply with this and to guard the safety of fellow clients and staff, we kindly ask you to wear a mask at all times in the common areas of Physio Fit, namely the front reception area and the Rehabilitation room. This will be implemented for as long as government guidelines are in place.
Our clinic COVID policy also requires clients to use hand sanitizer or hand washing once they enter Physio Fit or the reception area. Spray cleaning of each treatment bed and headrest, new pillow case covers and exercise equipment after every use is being done, along with implementation of social distancing guidelines with restriction in the number of individuals allowed in the Rehabilitation room.
Your health and safety is our priority during these difficult times. We ask for your kind understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you have any concerns, please do let us know.
Thank you,
Physio Fit